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Icon Creator V1 0

Icon Pack Creator – create your icon pack v1.0.23-RELEASE [Paid]

This is an application for icon pack designers who don’t want or can’t write code. You can use this app to easily create and edit icon pack, the main thing is that you can export APK files on your phone. If you want to learn how to create icon pack, please read the help page. Win10, Win8 and Win7 Icon Generator The online tool helps to convert your image to Win 10, Win 8, Win 7 and Windows Vista icon format. The generated file will be a multi-resolution.ICO format, include 256x256, 128x128, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, and 16x16 pixel images in it.

Requirements: 7.0+
Overview: No programming required! Create your icon pack anytime, anywhere.Download

Through the help page in the lower right corner, you can quickly master how to use this tool.

This is an application for icon pack designers who don’t want or can’t write code.

You can use this app to easily create and edit icon pack, the main thing is that you can export APK files on your phone. That’s great! Boinxtv 1 9 6.

What’s New:
0. If you want to learn how to create icon pack, please read the help page.
1. You can add multi masks for your icon pack(at Advanced settings), but this feature just for full-functions template. If you want to get a full-functions template, please follow the purchase page in the upper right corner to pay.

This app has no advertisements

More Info:

Code: Select allhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cn.ommiao.iconpackcreator

Download Instructions:● Release by Hersh
uploadrar.com Wolfrun slot machine.


Free icons and cursors

  • Download icons to customize your Windows desktop, your web site or to use them in your application.
  • Download cursors to give your mouse pointer a personality.
  • Request an icon or a cursor.
  • Create a author account and share your own creations with the world.

Need a professional icon done? Contact us.

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Icon Creator V1 0 Download

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Icon Creator V1 0
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