The system is configured for the default detailed tracing, as shown in this image: Trace On is enabled. Free video roulette. The Debug Trace Level is set to Detailed. Best time of day to gamble. Enable All Trace is enabled. If these settings were modified, and if you use CUCM version 9.x or later: Click Set Default in order to revert trace configuration to default settings. Version 5.5b1 includes these changes: Compatibility with the first developer release of macOS 11.0 Big Sur. An internal switch to prevent Default Folder X from copying tags and comments from existing files when you're saving a file. Get a free, in-depth Default Folder X 5 tutorial in the SCO Showcase app for iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. In the SCO Showcase app, go to the 'ScreenCastsOnline Video Tutorials - Archive' section, then drag to the left to scroll. The Default Folder X video is the next-to-last one. Click to get it from the App Store. Default Folder X 5.4.1 macOS 11 mb. Default Folder X attaches a toolbar to the right side of the Open and Save dialogs in any OS X-native application. The toolbar gives you fast access to various folders and commands.